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Little Moments

Let me just preface this by saying that I love my life. Yes there are days where I would rather be someone else, but overall I am completely content.

But some moments are just way better than others. Do you ever have those moments where you just stop and think, "I'm getting just a little taste of heaven here. I could stay here, in this moment...forever."

Those moments tend to happen for me, more often than not, on the weekends. On bright, sunny, beautiful days. Where I can open my blinds (if not my windows) and just let the sunshine pour in. When the house is completely quiet, and as clean as can be. Sometimes I make myself a cup of tea even if I don't feel like tea, sit on my couch, and just soak it up.

What makes moments like those so special? The tea? The sun? The clean house? And why do they only pretty much happen on the weekends?

It's because I allow myself to take those moments. During the week, I get caught up in the busyness and I forget or I am too tired to stop and appreciate them. I think about what I'm going to do the next day at work, what we're going to have for dinner, remember weeknight commitments...I get so wrapped up in it.

Even though I have been down with a cold (or whatever it is), all weekend, I have still had those moments. Jamey and I just lay in bed last night and watched kids movies. I fell asleep in his arms. And I could have just stayed in that moment forever. Sure, there were tissues and cough drops all over the bed, but it was just so good and so needed.

We woke up this morning and watched church service online in our pajamas. Made a grocery list while eating breakfast, and I tried to start laundry while Jamey went shopping. (We spend less money if only one of us goes grocery shopping **meaning Jamey because right now I am all about oh that looks yummy! so does that!*) And I say I tried to start laundry because my washer wouldn't fill. I had had such a relaxing weekend thus far that instead of dancing around getting upset because my washer was broken and I needed to buy a new one...I laughed. Because I needed to be on the couch getting better, and that's just how things were working out for me.

Turns out the pipe running to our washer had frozen. A few hours with a space heater near it, and we have managed to wash 2 loads. Nothing broken, only frozen. And that's what I need sometimes. Time frozen.

If you've read before, you've seen that I don't really like Sunday nights. I actually go through somewhat of a depression Monday mornings as I go out into the cold and know that I'm not going to see Jamey until the evening. But then as I say my goodmornings and howwasyourweekends, I realize...this is a good day too. I just have to get through that little slump.

So Monday, here I come. I pray I take the time to soak in more 'little moments' this week than I did last.


  1. you both are very blessed kaila ause you have your LOVE FOR GOD AND EACH OTHER.we are so proud of the fine young woman u grew up to be.I always knew you would.put those poecious moments in a bottle. and take them out every one in awhile to appreciate what the lord has given u2. love you all. aunt barbara and unle terry:)


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