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I do not like picking names. Especially for a person. I'm sure I can't be the only parent that worries they'll pick a name that will make my child the butt of every joke in the future...

But thankfully, Jamey and I have been very open to God's whispers and a nudge here and there. Do you want to know how we picked Sam's name? It was not by our doing at all. It's not a family name, not a name that ever had any meaning for us before, nothing. It was given to us.

We were not going to originally find out if we were having a boy or a girl, but under the circumstances had decided to. Without having much amniotic fluid, it was very hard for the technicians to get a good look at our baby. But one day, one moment, he was in just the right position and they snapped a picture. A boy. Our son.
I cried when we found out we were having a little boy. I had had several dreams about giving birth to a girl, but for some reason I just knew that I was having a boy. I just knew.

We made a whole list of names for our son, not being able to decide on one at all. We put the list aside...and agreed that we would pick one soon. Since we weren't going to have much time we needed to.

Like I've mentioned before, Jamey and I spent most the first week after receiving Sam's diagnosis on our pull out couch sleeping, crying, and watching the Big Bang Theory. One morning, Jamey sat up and said, "Let's name him Samuel." Samuel? Yes, it was on the list, but more as an 'oh yeah that's a nice Biblical name, but umm no.' I really didn't care for it. I think I even made a face and said, "Are you sure?" But Jamey just had this look that said yes this is what I want to name my son.

Let me just share something with you. Jamey is not a decision maker. He's incredibly easy going and usually when I say I would like to do something, he's all in. He gives into me way too easily....but it works for us (sometimes)  ;-)

However, because he felt so strongly about it, and because he had just woken up from a deep sleep with that name in his head, I just knew that this was the name that was meant to be. Samuel. My baby Sam. Jamey's heart must have been listening very closely to what God was saying to him, and I knew I did not want to interfere with that. I absolutely love his name now of course, and am so grateful that it was given to us in the way that it was.

With this baby, something similar seems to have happened. We are not openly sharing our favorite name yet because we still have not made up our minds 100%, but we have been calling her by name now. I am so glad these decisions are made for me for the most part....because God is aware that I am not a fan of making them. He leads, I follow.

You want to hear something interesting? I had a dream a few days before finding out the sex of this baby that I gave birth to another boy. So I knew it was a girl before we even went in. Of course, it could just be coincidence...everyone does have a 50/50 chance of guessing right and I know that. But to dream I'm having a girl and to be pregnant with a boy and then dream I'm having another boy and be pregnant with a girl....maybe proof that my brain is wired backwards? :-D

What has been your experience in naming a baby?


  1. I used to watch Denny Shaffers little girl Olivia Grace in Wee Ventures back in 2000. I was single and NEVER thought I would get married a 2nd time and had all but given up having a child but thought if I ever did, that would be her name if I had a girl. I met a great guy and got married in 2007. At the age of 38, on Feb 15, 2009 (9 years after I made the name decision) I gave birth to my one and only ever baby, a girl. I had mentioned the name to my husband but we had never really said yes - that's what it would be. When we came out of the delivery room to our family, my husband said "meet Olivia Grace" and I just started crying. I know that name came to me from God because the same year I watched little Olivia Grace Shaffer, I became a Christian and my life forever changed. :) Blessings, Patty Whittington

    1. What a beautiful name Patty! I love that story :)

    2. Hey Kaila, I don't know if you remember me, but it's Emmy. My mom AGONIZED over my name (Emilia Louise Torre) and went through every possibility that someone could twist my name around to make fun of me for my name. The first congratulations card she got? "Congrats on Emmy Lou!" and she was just like "seriously?! SHOOT!" But I happen to like Emmylou Harris, and the nickname Emmy Lou, so no matter how hard you try, it always works out for the best :) Praying for you guys every night!

  2. Watching my favorite soap :) Little did I know that every pregnant woman at that time was watching too - Kaila! Lol. You already how I named your sisters ;)

    1. Yes, I do have to say it was interesting going to elementary school with 4 other "Kaila's" and not a one of us spelled ours the same way!

  3. Mom, I think you just gave up on trying to figure out another name. Hence, why I have the same name as you legally, but I am called Baby. Now I'm going to be Aunty Baby. This is why you need to prepare a name first woman! ;p I kid I kid. I love my name. But seriously, we need to think of something else for the little one to call me. Like, Aunt GoingToWorkHerselfToDeath, or something much simpler. We have plenty of time to figure something out ;p <3


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