This is going to sound SO dramatic (because it is), but that doesn't mean it's not true: ob appointments literally drain the life from me. I hate going. I hate sitting in that room and waiting for the doc. Today I thought we might get a good look at baby, and maybe, just maybe, be able to tell the gender. It was a long shot but I was holding out hope. Instead we got a doppler, a 2 second scan after they couldn't find the heartbeat with the doppler, and a full body exam. I'll spare you the details. But, instead of the hopeful feelings that I had going into the appointment, I came out feeling drained. Baby is just fine as far as they can tell. They can't tell a whole lot though, because the ultrasound technology is too old. I really like my new doctor, I do. She's funny, and nice, and she HAS let us have extra ultrasounds just for our peace of mind. But, I realized today, that her ultrasound machine just isn't specific enough to tell us much of anything,...